
PWM Pulse Generator Module Frequency Generator Board Duty Cycle Adjustable Rectangular Module in Pakistan


  1. PWM Pulse Generator Module
  2. Frequency Generator Board
  3. Duty Cycle Adjustable Rectangular Module



PWM Pulse Generator Module Frequency Generator

  • WIDE APPLICATION: The pwm pulse generator is used as generator to generate for experimental development and use to generate for controlling motor drivers
  • GENERATE ADJUSTABLE PULSES: This pulse frequency generator module generates adjustable pulses for MCU use and control related circuits (applications such as PWM dimming and speed regulation)
  • FEATURES: The rectangular generator has PWM output, this module can set the frequency and duty cycle separately, with wide frequency range and high accuracy
  • LCD DISPLAY FUNCTION: The frequency and duty cycle of the LCD display are very clear. This pwm generator board can communicate with serial port. All setting parameters are saved after power off
  • SPECIFICATION: XXX (without decimal point): the smallest unit is 1Hz, in the range 1Hz ~ 999Hz, X.XX (one hundred decimal point) is minimum unit 0.01Khz, ranging 1.00Khz ~ 9.99Khz, XX.X (ten in decimal): minimum unit is 0.1kHz; range 10.0KHz ~ 99.9KHz, X.X.X (decimal in ten and one hundred): minimum unit is 1Khz; range 1KHz ~ 150KHz
  • PWM Pulse Generator Module Frequency Generator in Pakistan
  • PWM Pulse Generator Module Frequency Generator



Material: Plastic

Frequency range is divided into four, automatic switching:

1.XXX (without decimal point): the smallest unit is 1Hz, in the range 1Hz ~ 999Hz;

2.X.XX (one hundred decimal point) is minimum unit 0.01Khz, ranging 1.00Khz ~ 9.99Khz;

3.XX.X (ten in decimal): minimum unit is 0.1kHz; range 10.0KHz ~ 99.9KHz

4.X.X.X (decimal in ten and one hundred): minimum unit is 1Khz; range 1KHz ~ 150KHz

e.g. frequency display: 100 indicates that the PWM output pulse of 100Hz;

1.01 represents the PWM output pulse 1.01K;

54.1 represents the PWM output pulse 54.1KHz;

1.2.4 indicates that the PWM output pulse of 124KHz;

Duty cycle range: 0 to 100%

All setup parameters, power down save.


Module Parameters:

Working Voltage: 3.3 ~ 30V

Frequency range: 1Hz ~ 150KHz

The frequency accuracy: in each range accuracy is about 2%

Load capacity signal: output current of about 5 ~ 30ma

The output amplitude: PWM amplitude equal to the supply voltage

Ambient temperature: -20 ~ + 70 ℃

The Serial Port Control (MCU TTL level communications)

Communication Standard: 9600 bps Data bits: 8

Stop Bits: 1

Parity Bit: None

Flow Control: None